Monday, August 3, 2009

Tracy caught Dr. Bob's "fever"

The digital world!! wow. It was really a head full each time I left my computer class. From the first day of class intensity kept building up to the point where I thought I could not manage. Now that I am looking back I fell transformed, renewed, and eager to see how much of this I can contribute to my home country, Jamaica. 
Illuminate live is a world of wonder. With this I can communicate with a group at a time, sharing information, getting feedback and new information. The members of my group can be anywhere in the world and be able to see and hear each other just as when we would share the same physical space. 
The digital literacy palette is the new wave of communication. It involves sound, images, video, sensors, animations and other means of communicating. Garage band was what we used to create sound.  Voice can be added to a track to make a recording. Video was my keen area of interest. I can now successfully create a movie - edit the film, add sound and credits and much more.  
There is so much I am taking back with me from these classes. Dr. Bob was so passionate about the exponential changes in the digital world, one couldn't help but catch the "fever".